Childfree Me
A gathering place for people who have chosen the road less traveled by. Listen in as I speak with friends, family and strangers about what it’s like to choose not to have children in a child-obsessed world.
23 episodes
23. Marisa Moon on prioritizing your health
Today I am honored to sit down with Marisa Moon, a national board-certified health and wellness coach and author of the Amazon bestseller book Not So Fast. Growing up surrounded by her large It...
Season 1
Episode 23

22. Anish on taking fate into your own hands
Today I sit down with Anish to discuss his decision to get a vasectomy as a single man at the age of 31. Together we debunk some common myths about the procedure, the factors that went into his decision, and the impact it's had on his life (hin...
Season 1
Episode 22

21. Sarah Patel on loving your child but regretting motherhood
Today I sit down with Sarah Patel, a woman who knew she didn't want to have childfren but doubted her choice when no one else around her felt the same way. Sarah is the mother of a thriving 6-year old who she loves deeply, and yet she can clear...
Season 1
Episode 21

20. Shweta Ramkumar on breaking free from conformity
Join me as I sit down with Shweta Ramkumar, a proud anti-natalist and passionate childfree woman who advocates for the childfree choice around the globe. We discuss her upbringing in a culture where a woman's value is often tied to her role as ...
Season 1
Episode 20

19. Amanda Lane on being the fun, van-dwelling aunt
It was a blast from the past to sit down with my friend and former co-worker Amanda Lane. Join us as we reminisce about dating apps, discuss her decision to embrace van life, examine the ecological merits of not having children, and question wh...
Season 1
Episode 19

18. Lindsay Dickes on walking the uncomfortable path
Join me as I sit down with Lindsay Dickes, a trauma psychotherapist and clinical social worker turned Somatic Empowerment Coach and Nervous System Witch. Together we discuss:Her BRCA gene mutation diagnosis, and its impact on her ch...
Season 1
Episode 18

17. Why are you being so selfish?
Today I sit down for a quick solo episode (a minisode?) to discuss the topic of selfishness. What does it mean? Where does it come from? Why are people who choose not to have children condemned with it? And (perhaps most importantly)...is it ac...
Season 1
Episode 17

16. Jared Page on intentionally designing your life
Join us as Jared and I sit down (literally...on my couch) to chat about what led him to choosing childfree, how he's designed a life deeply aligned with his values, and the reasons he doesn't actually want a vasectomy (nor did he really want to...
Season 1
Episode 16

15. The One Where I Speak With My Sisters
Today's episode is a family affair when I'm joined by my two younger sisters! Together, we delve into our shared memories, from their earliest recollections of my staunch declarations against having children, to where they currently stand in th...
Season 1
Episode 15

14. Laura Carroll on a Special Sisterhood
It is a tale of two Laura's today when I'm joined by renowned childfree advocate, researcher, and author Laura Carroll. As one of the founding members of the childfree movement, Laura has been researching...
Season 1
Episode 14

13. Dr. Jay Zigmont on childfree wealth
Today I sit down with Dr. Jay of Childfree Wealth and the Childfree Wealth Podcast, to discuss ... you guessed it ... childfree wealth! Dr. Jay...
Season 1
Episode 13

12. Nathalie Gaglione on experiencing unconditional love
Happy 2024! To kick the year off on a strong note, I sit down with the lovely Nathalie Gaglione, a sex, love and relationship coach based in Scotland. She and I discuss how procreation and motherthood can be defined in many different ways, as w...
Season 1
Episode 12

11. Kae Morales on dating around the globe
Today I sit down with my coworker Karen (Kae) Morales who spends six months a year in Mexico and the rest exploring the world. After getting the travel bug at the age of 12, Kae has pursued her passion for travel around the world and gets to li...
Season 1
Episode 11

10. John Thomas on redefining your legacy
Today I'm joined by John Thomas, a friend of a friend brave enough to sit down (in person!) with me to discuss his childfree journey. Join us for an episode that champions the freedom of choice and celebrates the many ways individuals can contr...
Season 1
Episode 10

9. The One Where I Tell My Story
For our 10th episode, Laura is taking the spotlight solo. Join her for a stroll down memory lane as she discusses the various snapshots that shaped her decision to be childfree. From quirky moments to emotional revelations, she's baring it all....
Season 1
Episode 9

8. Lisbeth Hart on the myth of the biological clock
Ever wondered what life looks like when you ditch the rulebook? Meet Lisbeth, childfree influencer and advocate for doing life your way. Lisbeth Hart joins me this week to discuss the joys of being childfree, solo and thriving. Lis...
Season 1
Episode 8

7. Rimple Patel on prioritizing yourself
Today I'm joined by Rimple Patel to discuss how being childfree has influenced her professional growth and the lessons she's learned in prioritizing self and setting boundaries at work. After growing up in Malawi, Rimple moved to the U.S. at th...
Season 1
Episode 7

6. Rae Chatterton on sterilization, witchcraft, and meaningful rituals
Happy Halloween everyone! My guest today is Rachel (Rae) Chatterton, a naturalistic Pagan and anti-natalist hailing from a small town in northern Michigan where she and her husband are the only childfree couple that they know of. Rae delves int...
Season 1
Episode 6

4. Amber Shoffey on not apologizing for your choices
Today I grab a glass of wine and sit down with my friend Amber to delve into the often overlooked disparities in work expectations and pressures that childfree individuals confront. Our conversation traverses Amber’s journey from a young girl o...
Season 1
Episode 4

3. Cody Hetzel on building a unified community
Today Laura sits down with Cody Hetzel from Childfree Media to better understand the landscape and complexities of the childfree community. Cody shares his personable narrative on choosing a childfree l...
Season 1
Episode 3

2. Annie McNaughton on listening to your own inner voice
Annie McNaughton and I sit down to discuss her journey to being childfree, from initially believing in the ideal of the "husband, child and white picket fence" package to realizing her inner voice was telling her something different. <...
Season 1
Episode 2

1. Marisela Martinez on choosing what is best for you
Meet my dear friend and former coworker Marisela. As a first-generation Mexican American, Sela offers a fresh perspective on the societal expectations, relationships, and the fear of regret that can influence the choice to be childfree
Season 1
Episode 1

TRAILER: Two roads diverged (a.k.a. meet your host)
Ever felt like a lone ship sailing against the societal current, yearning for companionship and understanding? That's where I found myself as I veered off the 'normal' path to embrace a child-free life, prompting the creation of this podcast, C...
Season 1
Episode 0